We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free

Monday, April 11, 2011

University of Washington Law School prof Ronald Collins and coauthor Sam Chaltain have come out with a new book of interest to anyone who cares about freedom of speech. We Must Not Afraid to Be Free: Stories of Free Expression in America (Oxford U. Press) explore some of the challenging issues and colorful individuals involved in important controversies over what free speech means in America.

Here’s what former ACLU president Nadine Strossen of New York Law School has to say about the book: "Collins and Chaltain vividly bring to life inspiring but little-known, real-world stories of remarkable men and women who personally struggled with fear and freedom, thus endowing us with an enduring legacy of enhanced liberty. Superb in both substance and style, this book demonstrates that the defense of free speech epitomizes courage and patriotism."

Want to know more? On Tuesday, April 12 at 7:00 pm, Prof. David Skover of Seattle University Law School will interview Ronald Collins at the Elliott Bay Book Co. (1521 Tenth Ave. on Seattle’s Capitol Hill). Skover is himself a First Amendment expert who received the ACLU-WA’s Civil Libertarian Award in 2004.

Skover and Collins previously teamed up on The Trials of Lenny Bruce: The Fall and Rise of an American Icon (Sourcebooks, 2002) and successfully petitioned the governor of New York to pardon the outspoken satirist posthumously in 2003.

It should be interesting. See you there?

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