This court case is completed
On August 7, 2014, the ACLU of Washington moved to intervene in the lawsuit MMH, LLC vs. City of Fife on behalf of three state-licensed marijuana businesses seeking to defend Initiative 502, Washington’s marijuana legalization law passed by voters 56-44% on November 6, 2012. The City of Fife imposed a complete ban on marijuana businesses, and MMH, LLC, a business seeking to open a retail store, sued to overturn the ban. In response, Fife filed a motion seeking a ruling that cities were free to ban marijuana business, even if the businesses were duly licensed under state law, and that federal law prevents Washington from implementing its new regulatory system for marijuana.
The ACLU moved to intervene on behalf of Downtown Cannabis Company, LLC and Monkey Grass Farms, LLC, two businesses licensed by the state to grow marijuana, and JAR MGMT, LLC dba Rainier on Pine, a state-licensed retail shop. Downtown Cannabis Company has not been able to secure its local business license due to a moratorium imposed by the City of Pacific. Monkey Grass Farm, located in Chelan County, has been in operation since July 8. Rainier on Pine opened its doors in Tacoma on August 1. The three businesses seek to protect their significant investments of time and resources in securing leases, building out and facilities, and equipping their operations to comply with the stringent regulatory requirements imposed by I-502. Their complaint asks for rulings that local governments cannot ban state-licensed marijuana businesses, and that federal law does not preempt I-502.