Flights & Rights - Fairness, Transparency and Accountability in Tech

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
KEXP Studio Gathering Space
Flights & Rights is our monthly community series featuring important civil rights issues and great beer in the KEXP Studio Gathering Space! Join us for the first Flights & Rights of 2018!

When we talk about the risks of technology and data, we often focus on “privacy” and “security.” Both are important, but what about fairness, transparency, and accountability? The game is changing, and if we don’t also change the terms of the debate, we could be designing a world in which biases are embedded in our technology, magnifying unfairness everywhere from education and employment to the criminal justice system. Technology & Liberty Director Shankar Narayan discusses these critical dynamics and how we can advocate for transparency, accountability, and fairness along the way.

Sponsored by Pike Brewing Company.