Know Your Rights

Have you ever asked yourself, "What are my rights?" We have answers. What do I do if I'm stopped by the police? What if ICE comes to my house? What are my rights as a student in school? Where can I protest? Learn about your rights before you need them. Download our free guides and resources.
Download 911 Good Samaritan Law Wallet Card

911 Good Samaritan Law Card

Help save lives. Download our free wallet card to learn more about how Washington's 911 Good Samaritan Law could protect you from prosecution for drug possession when reporting an overdose.

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El Restablecimiento Del Derecho a Votar en Washington

La asamblea legislativa de Washington recientemente aprobó una ley la cual automáticamente restaura el derecho a votar a personas culpables de delitos graves al haber cumplido su condena de prisión y período de supervisión comunitaria bajo la supervisión del Departamento Correccional. 

Photo of an I voted sticker

Frequently Asked Questions About Voting Restoration in Washington

The 2009 Washington Legislature passed a new law that restores the right to vote automatically to people with felony convictions when they have completed their time in prison and have served any required community custody supervised by the State Department of Corrections (DOC).
Cover of gender equity in athletics guide

Gender Equity in Athletics

This guide is designed to help students, parents and guardians understand students’ rights concerning gender equity in athletics in Washington.

Cover of student rights guide

Student Rights Guide

This document summarizes the current laws governing students' life in Washington's public primary and secondary schools.
