Know Your Rights

Have you ever asked yourself, "What are my rights?" We have answers. What do I do if I'm stopped by the police? What if ICE comes to my house? What are my rights as a student in school? Where can I protest? Learn about your rights before you need them. Download our free guides and resources.
Cubierta de guia familiar de disciplina escolar

Disciplina Escolar

Información sobre los procesos de disciplina en las escuelas públicas de Washington.
Parents' Guide to Public School Discipline in Washington

School Discipline Guide

This pamphlet provides nuts-and-bolts advice for parents whose children are facing disciplinary proceedings at a public school. It is designed for those who intend to advocate for their children in meetings with administrators, hearing officers, and school boards.

How to Get Government Records

Access to government records is an important right of citizenship. You have the right to inspect and copy a wide variety of government records. This applies to many types of documents, as well as any files maintained on you, unless they are specifically exempted from disclosure by law.
