Healthcare Access in Washington Quiz

What percentage of hospital beds in Washington state are in religious or religiously affiliated health systems? 

a. 10%
b. 34%
c. Almost 50%
Some people in rural or isolated areas of Washington state only have access to hospitals that restrict reproductive and end-of-life care.

a. True  
b. False
Catholic health systems are required to abide by the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services ("ERDs").  Which of the following services are significantly restricted or prohibited by the ERDs?

a. Abortion
b. Death with dignity (the ability for terminally ill patients to access medication to end their life)
c. Contraception 
d. All of the above
Women in Washington state who are suffering miscarriages, have had their treatment delayed or denied, due to religious restrictions at hospitals. 

a. True 
b. False 
Patients at health systems governed by religious doctrine have had difficulty accessing: 

a. Information about death with dignity
b. Referrals for death with dignity services 
c. Providers on-site that provide death with dignity services
d. All of the above

Read more on the state of healthcare access in Washington.

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