Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission Statement 

The ACLU of Washington is a non-partisan civil liberties organization dedicated to protecting and advancing freedom, equity, and justice for everyone in Washington. 



We envision a future where everyone in Washington, particularly those who have been historically and systematically denied full enjoyment of their promised civil liberties and rights, lives with dignity and equity, enjoying freedoms unimpeded by racial and economic injustice and other forms of oppression. 



COURAGE We make courageous decisions that lead to positive systemic change and we persevere in the face of adversity. 
RESPECT We honor and respect our allies and communities impacted by systemic oppression and are guided by their voices in the work we do. 
ACCOUNTABILITY We continuously evaluate our priorities and policies to ensure that we follow through with our mission and remain a trusted resource that our community can count on. 
VIGILANCE We are alert and intentional as we promptly respond to the needs of those impacted by oppressive systems. 
LIBERTY We protect the liberties and fundamental rights for everyone in Washington, particularly those who have been systemically disempowered. 
EQUITY We center race and other forms of equity.