Thursday, May 14, 2009
"My Car, My Privacy" Bill Becomes Law
You shouldn't have to give up all your privacy rights when you travel by car. A new ACLU-backed law passed by the 2009 legislature has moved Washington to the forefront of states in protecting the privacy of vehicle owners.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Unreal Law: A National ID Card
The ACLU opposes the REAL ID Act, which will lead to a de facto national identity card, and threaten the privacy of personal information.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Anti-Terrorism Proposals Defeated in State Legislature
Civil libertarians held the line against efforts to enact overly broad laws as the Washington Legislature adjourned without passing proposed anti-terrorism measures.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Legislation Filed To Protect Privacy of Cable Television Subscribers
Today legislation was introduced in the House and the Senate to ensure the privacy of cable television subscribers. Senate Bill 5868 and House Bill 1842 prohibit a cable company from revealing to any third party which cable services an individual subscriber receives, or the extent or nature of the subscriber’s viewing or use of other cable services.
Monday, December 7, 2009
ACLU-WA Seeks to Protect Privacy for Highway Toll Payments
The ACLU-WA is working with legislators to add privacy protections to bills that authorize tolling and set up a photo enforcement system on the Highway 520 bridge.
Friday, January 22, 2010
ACLU Backs Bill to Prevent Use of Toll Payments to Track Travels
A hearing was held in the Senate Transportation Committee on Jan. 21, at 1:30 p.m. on a bill (SB 6499) that would prevent government and private parties from tracking individuals' travels based on their use of toll facilities.
Monday, April 23, 2012
ACLU Calls for Seattle to Establish Safeguards for Police Use of Drones
The City of Seattle needs to develop clear and transparent policies for the use of aerial drones as a tool in law enforcement, the ACLU of Washington said today. Guidelines are needed to protect personal privacy against improper use of drones and to ensure that government does not use the technology to engage in surveillance of political activity.
Monday, March 18, 2013
ACLU Urges City Council to Put Teeth into Surveillance Law, Delay Vote to Add Auditing Process
The ACLU of Washington welcomes the proposal to establish a process for the acquisition of surveillance technology by the City of Seattle. Transparency and opportunities for public input are essential, as we have seen recently with controversies generated by the City’s acquisition of drones and also a system of surveillance cameras and a mesh network.
Monday, July 29, 2013
ACLU Urges Spokane City Council to Strengthen Surveillance Proposal
The ACLU of Washington is urging that the Spokane City Council strengthen a proposal for City acquisition of surveillance equipment.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Surveillance: Spokane Acts to Protect Privacy and Provide Transparency
The Spokane City Council has passed an ordinance that will require Council approval to acquire and use some new surveillance equipment, such as drones and camera networks. We hope that more communities throughout Washington will consider passing similar oversight mechanisms with even stronger provisions and protections.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Bill to Regulate Drones Passes Washington State House with Strong Bipartisan Support
The Washington State House has passed HB 2789, a bill which puts reasonable regulations in place for government use of drones in Washington state. The measure passed overwhelmingly with strong bipartisan support by an 83-15 vote.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
ACLU activists make the case for reasonable drone regulation
A group of enthusiastic ACLU-WA activists met at the State Capitol on Tuesday to encourage legislators to support House Bill 1771 and Senate Bill 6172 calling for reasonable, common sense limits to drone use by state and local government agencies.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Bill to Regulate Govt Drone Use to Have Hearing in WA Senate
HB 2789, legislation that puts reasonable regulations in place for government use of drones in Washington state, will have a hearing today, February 26, at 6:30 pm before the Senate Law and Justice Committee
Friday, April 17, 2015
State Legislature Acts to Regulate Stingrays
In a bipartisan action, the Washington Legislature has approved legislation to regulate government use of cell site simulator devices, better known as Stingrays. The bill, HB 1440 – “Prohibiting the use of a cell site simulator device without a warrant,” passed the House by a unanimous vote yesterday after the Senate also had passed it unanimously. It now awaits Governor Inslee’s signature to become law.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Pull the Plug on the Patriot Act
The past few years have seen numerous attempts to reform the notorious Patriot Act and its problematic provisions which the NSA has interpreted to permit unprecedented dragnet surveillance. None have been successful, thanks in large part to the continued fearmongering of the “war on terror.”
Thursday, February 23, 2017
ACLU to Seattle City Council: Put Brakes on Funding for Police Body Cameras
In a letter to Seattle City Council, the ACLU of Washington is urging that police body cameras in Seattle be deployed only after serious flaws in the current process and policy are addressed.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Letter to Seattle City Council on City Light's Advanced Meter Program
A letter to Seattle City Council expressing privacy and transparency concerns about City Light's new smart meters project
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Seattle Adopts Nation’s Strongest Regulations for Surveillance Technology
The Seattle City Council adopted legislation, the strongest in the nation, that will help bring transparency and accountability to the City’s acquisition of surveillance technology.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
ACLU Letter to King County Council Regarding Mark 43
We are urging King County Council to halt funding for Mark43, a record management system for the Sheriff’s Office that might infringe on civil liberties.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
ACLU Urges King County Council to Halt Funding for Law Enforcement Records System
We are urging King County Council to halt funding for Mark43, a record management system for the Sheriff’s Office that might infringe on civil liberties.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
ACLU Urges State Legislators to Respect Free Speech Rights on Social Media
The ACLU of Washington is urging state legislators to respect the free speech rights of constituents on legislators’ social media pages.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Seattle City Council adopts nation’s strongest law to protect utility customer personal data
The Seattle City Council passed an ordinance to ensure utility consumers’ sensitive personal data is not sold and is used only for utility service and related purposes.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
ACLU-WA Comments Regarding Group 1 Surveillance Technologies
Letter to City of Seattle regarding technologies being evaluated under the surveillance ordinance
Friday, March 1, 2019
Letter in opposition to SB 5376
ACLU-WA led the fight against a permissive data privacy/face surveillance bill.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
ACLU-WA Comments Regarding Group 2 Surveillance Technologies
Letter to City of Seattle regarding technologies being evaluated under the surveillance ordinance
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Joint Statement in Opposition to the Governor’s Office/Senate Draft of SB 5376
A letter from organizations supporting strong consumer data privacy laws, regarding SB 5376.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Washington legislature passes reforms to protect teens from prosecution for sexting
Governor Inslee signed into law the Responsible Teen Communications Act (SHB 1742) which protects teenagers from felony prosecution for distribution or possession of child pornography when they make explicit messages and images of themselves (“selfies”) and share them with peers, and invests in evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Letter to Mayor Durkan and Seattle City Council re: SSO
"A coalition letter to Seattle City leadership urging them to ensure that the Seattle Surveillance Ordinance is implemented with strong, clear, and enforceable rules around surveillance technologies, rather than a trust-the-government approach out of step with the technology landscape."