


The advance of technology presents both opportunities for and challenges to liberty. As new technologies are implemented, their impacts on civil liberties must be given consideration. The ACLU supports uses of technology that enhance privacy and freedom while opposing those that undermine liberty and move us closer to a surveillance society.
Seattle has passed the strongest surveillance transparency and accountability protections in the country!
ACLU of Washington sues Tacoma Police Department for not disclosing stingray surveillance records
How do automated decision systems affect our lives? An ACLU-WA blog series


Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Every day, corporations and governments use algorithms, or complex and often non-transparent formulas, to make decisions about our lives.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Descriptions of how algorithmically-driven automated decision systems are used in several sectors, and how lack of transparency and accountability can cause harm.
News Release, Published: 
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Last week, Bellingham voters approved a ban on government use of facial recognition and predictive policing technologies by their city.
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Tacoma Police Department violated Public Records Act, failed to disclose information on invasive surveillance technology
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Every day, people are denied healthcare, overpoliced, kept in jail, and passed up for jobs because of decisions made or aided by computers.
Monday, June 7, 2021
A comprehensive review of 70 empirical studies of body-worn cameras found that body cameras have not had statistically significant or consistent effects in decreasing police use of force. While some studies suggest that body cameras may offer benefits, others show either no impact or even possible negative effects.
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Amazon today announced it will indefinitely extend its moratorium on sales of face recognition technology to law enforcement. In June 2020, amidst nationwide protests against police violence, Amazon announced a one-year pause on its sale of the technology to police.
