Social justice organizations have formed the Amparo Project to combat sexual harassment and other forms of gender discrimination experienced by female farmworkers and other low-wage workers in Washington. The ACLU is teaming up with the Northwest Justice Project, Columbia Legal Services, and community organizations from eastern Washington in the project.
The Amparo Project is working to identify and address legal issues that create barriers to women achieving economic justice in the agricultural labor force. It also seeks to educate and empower women about their right to be free from sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. The project will provide legal representation as necessary.
Sexual harassment and discrimination are serious problems faced by many women working in the fields and packing plants, and often they do not realize that such behavior is against the law. As women learn more about their rights, they begin to share stories of harassment that has happened to them or women they know.
The project has produced novellas and public service announcements for radio.