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Dear Speaker Jinkins and Democratic Members of the Rules Committee,
I am writing today to urge you to pull HB 2065 to the floor for a vote and allow this urgently needed legislation to advance. HB 2065 builds on already passed legislation (EHB 1324) to align the judicial system with established modern brain science, advance racial justice, and promote fairness in sentencing. An estimated 809-1,437 individuals remain incarcerated on enhanced sentences because the law was not retroactive.
HB 2065 is supported by the 57 Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians as well as 21 Tribes and Indigenous Organizations in Washington. Indigenous people are the most disproportionately impacted by juvenile sentencing points. According to DOC, 41% of Indigenous people currently incarcerated have at least one juvenile felony.
HB 2065 provides an opportunity, not a guarantee. It allows anyone currently incarcerated whose offender score was increased due to juvenile points the opportunity to petition the court and potentially be resentenced.
As a matter of fairness and racial justice, support retroactive reform and pass HB 2065!
Thank you,