We need your help again. Urge lawmakers to correct past sentencing harms and pass HB 2065.
Thanks to your activism and the tireless efforts of our staff and coalition partners, HB 2065 is one step closer to becoming a law. But we're not there yet. We were scheduled for a last minute hearing and we need your voice to tell lawmakers to keep moving forward.
This bill will make sure legislation that was passed last year (EHB 1324) that ends the practice of punishing people twice for the same offense also applies retroactively. This ensures that the changes we make to our criminal legal system benefit the people most impacted by it.
Sign in PRO on HB 2065 by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 3, 2024, and tell lawmakers to stop punishing people twice for the same offense.
HB 2065 builds on already passed legislation to align the judicial system with established modern brain science, advance racial justice, and promote fairness in sentencing.
We need your continued support to have our voices heard. As a matter of fairness and racial justice, tell your lawmaker to support retroactive reform and pass HB 2065! Sign in PRO by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 3, 2024.
*Instructions on how to show your support and sign in pro:
1. Click on this link
2. Pick the position "Pro."
Thanks to your activism and the tireless efforts of our staff and coalition partners, HB 2065 is one step closer to becoming a law. But we're not there yet. We were scheduled for a last minute hearing and we need your voice to tell lawmakers to keep moving forward.
This bill will make sure legislation that was passed last year (EHB 1324) that ends the practice of punishing people twice for the same offense also applies retroactively. This ensures that the changes we make to our criminal legal system benefit the people most impacted by it.
Sign in PRO on HB 2065 by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 3, 2024, and tell lawmakers to stop punishing people twice for the same offense.
HB 2065 builds on already passed legislation to align the judicial system with established modern brain science, advance racial justice, and promote fairness in sentencing.
We need your continued support to have our voices heard. As a matter of fairness and racial justice, tell your lawmaker to support retroactive reform and pass HB 2065! Sign in PRO by 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 3, 2024.
*Instructions on how to show your support and sign in pro:
1. Click on this link
2. Pick the position "Pro."