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Racial Justice

The authors of the Declaration of Independence outlined a bold vision for America: a nation in which all people would be free and equal. Yet the forced removal of indigenous peoples and the enslavement of those of African descent marked the beginnings of a system of racial injustice from which our country has yet to break free. Despite important gains made by civil rights activism, the school-to-prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and racial profiling and bias in policing are but a few of the racist injustices that mark the distance between America’s reality and the dream we seek to achieve: liberty and justice for everybody.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023
We lock up too many people, for too long, without considering the impacts of incarceration.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
What it is, how it works, and expanding access across Washington
News Release, Published: 
Thursday, September 7, 2023
A federal court has ended some federal oversight of the Seattle Police Department (SPD) by determining that SPD has complied with certain requirements in the Consent Decree resulting from the 2012 lawsuit United States v. City of Seattle.
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The Washington State Legislature voted Tuesday to establish harsher criminal penalties for drug possession, marking a huge step backwards in Washington’s fight against the ever-growing public health crises of substance use disorder and the opioid overdose epidemic.
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
ACLU-WA is committed to working again next session to achieve retroactivity in regard to juvenile points for all Washingtonians.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
This series examines how the ACLU-WA crafts and deploys amicus briefs to promote racial justice and systemic equality in the criminal legal system.
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
The U.S. Department of Justice and the City of Seattle asked the Court to terminate the consent decree, which would end federal court oversight of discriminatory policing, model use-of-force policies, data-collection and officer early warning system, community participation and civilian oversight., which would end federal court oversight of discriminatory policing, model use-of-force policies, data-collection and officer early warning system, community participation and civilian oversight.
Friday, March 3, 2023
Lawmakers should pass the Access to Fairness Act and show that no person is above the law — especially not those who are empowered to enforce it.
