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The advance of technology presents both opportunities for and challenges to liberty. As new technologies are implemented, their impacts on civil liberties must be considered. The ACLU supports uses of technology that enhance privacy and freedom while opposing those that undermine liberty and move us closer to a surveillance society.
Seattle has passed the strongest surveillance transparency and accountability protections in the country!
Judge fines Tacoma Police Department for withholding public records about invasive surveillance device
Seattle City Council adopts nation’s strongest law to protect utility customer personal data
Amazon Should Stop Selling Face Surveillance Technology to the Government


Monday, June 17, 2024
Tell Seattle not to rush license plate scanners to our streets without protections
News Release, Published: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Seattle City Council is considering a proposal to roll out automated license plate readers (ALPRs) to Seattle Police Department’s entire fleet of cars. Both the expansion and the storage of the data collected by these readers raises new dangers to people’s privacy and civil liberties.
News Release, Published: 
Friday, May 31, 2024
After vigorous opposition from the ACLU-WA, activists, and the public, the city has announced that it is dropping plans to deploy automated gunshot location systems. However, the city declared its intention to move forward with the installation of CCTV cameras and the expansion of Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) throughout several Seattle neighborhoods, in conjunction with the deployment of real-time crime center software (RTCC), to surveil residents despite the objections of the ACLU-WA and members of the public.   

ACLU-WA Public Comment on Seattle Surveillance Technologies

Document, Published: 
Friday, April 12, 2024
The ACLU of Washington expresses concerns regarding Seattle's intent to acquire and/or expand the use of three surveillance technologies: CCTV, an acoustic gunshot location system (AGLS), and real-time crime center (RTCC) software.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Let the city know they should invest in evidence-based solutions that do reduce crime.
News Release, Published: 
Monday, February 12, 2024
The City is holding a public comment period on surveillance systems for use in neighborhoods.
News Release, Published: 
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Legislators in the Washington Senate advanced ESHB 1155, the Washington My Health, My Data Act, which removes significant barriers reproductive and gender affirming health care by protecting the privacy of people’s health data.
