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Criminal Justice

The Bill of Rights protects us against suspicionless searches and seizures. It guarantees due process to individuals who are accused of crimes and humane treatment to those who are incarcerated. The ACLU works to ensure that our criminal justice system indeed is just.
Stop the school to prison pipeline
Washington Needs Bail Reform:  Download No Money, No Freedom
Driven to Fail: Exposing the costs & ineffectiveness of Washington's most commonly charged crime
The death penalty is arbitrary, unfair, and racially biased.  The ACLU of Washington argued before the Washington Supreme Court to end it.


In 2010, a court rule was adopted (with the support of the ACLU and numerous access to justice organizations) authorizing waiver of all filing fees and surcharges for indigent litigants (GR 34).

Solis Diaz’s PRP argues that his extensive term-of-years sentence is the functional equivalent of a juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) sentence, and is therefore unconstitutional under the U.S. and Washington State Constitutions.

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